Yes, you can create a booking by selecting the "Book Later" option. This allows you to choose a specific date and time for the service at your convenience.
Yes, you can create a booking by selecting the "Book Later" option. This allows you to choose a specific date and time for the service at your convenience.
Absolutely. All our service providers undergo a thorough vetting process to ensure they are trustworthy, skilled, and reliable. You can rest assured that our professionals will treat your home or business with respect.
All Trips and Services you can pay with cash or credit card associated with your passenger account. We recommend paying by credit card, so that you do not unnecessarily expose yourself to cash transactions to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus). Remember that, in case the payment is in cash, it must be made by the person requesting the Taxi App Pro service.
Absolutely. All our service providers undergo a thorough vetting process to ensure they are trustworthy, skilled, and reliable. You can rest assured that our professionals will treat your home or business with respect.
Valid identification (e.g., driver’s license or passport). Professional certifications related to the services you offer. Proof of insurance, if applicable. Police clearance or background check. Any other relevant documents as required by local regulations.